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CHR Solutions is Selected to Monitor 24x7 Security for The Kepler Group

CHR Solutions has signed on to partner with The Kepler Group to monitor correctional facility security operations for a security integrator located near Philadelphia, PA. The Kepler Group is a network engineering firm specializing in network security segmentation for large enterprise-class security systems, and their clients include industry leaders across a wide variety of high-profile markets, including healthcare, transportation, utilities, municipalities, and more.

Today, CHR Solutions Managed Services division is scheduled to provide expert 24x7 monitoring services designed to help The Kepler Group provide pro-active system support and keep their mission-critical security systems on track. The 24x7 monitoring service – coupled with incident triage and Tier 1 remediation performed by CHR Solutions – has enabled Kepler to significantly reduce the amount of “truck rolls” on the part of their Security Integrator partners.

“We’ve put our complete faith in CHR as a trusted partner to help us monitor a remote IP-based physical security system for a correctional facility on the other side of the country, ensuring it remains as close to 100% operationally effective 24x7,” says Gavin Bortles, President of The Kepler Group. “When there’s a camera outage, with the processes and procedures implemented in concert with CHR – including reboot protocols performed by CHR personnel – we’ve been able to eliminate truck rolls for our partner by nearly 90%, which ultimately saves everyone involved a considerable amount of time and money.”

Bortles continues, “With the additional network tools that CHR provides, we’re able to review security dashboards in real time, allowing us to be nimble and proactive with our clients and their concerns.” The monitoring solution provided by CHR also plays an integral role in the ongoing care and maintenance package that Kepler offers its partners and end user institutions, allowing for a recurring revenue stream that goes beyond the initial implementation.

CHR Solutions has been a security leader for nearly 25 years, offering comprehensive 24x7 Network Operations Center (NOC) monitoring, as well as mediation and troubleshooting services to make sure leading companies have the network and monitoring support they require. NOC Monitoring is vital to helping organizations focus on growth and innovation instead of the day-to-day maintenance of their IT systems.

“The Kepler Group represents the type of partner we’re best designed to serve,” says Trent Martin, Director of IT Services at CHR Solutions. “In today’s world, the need for strong, reliable security is greater than ever—and security-related technology continues to be an ever-growing aspect of any large-scale enterprise’s security solution. The size and scope of the investment made by The Kepler Group on behalf of their clients requires having a partner they can count on—a we’re proud to be the partner they’ve chosen to work with.”


About CHR Solutions, Inc.
CHR is a leading provider of managed IT, cybersecurity, and network monitoring services, engineering services, and business & billing software solutions to broadband companies and integrators throughout North America. For more information, visit www.chrsolutions.com.

About The Kepler Group, Inc.
The Kepler Group is a network engineering and physical security integration firm with more than 20 years of industry experience in designing, configuring, installing, and sustaining application-specific networks for IP-enabled Security, Life Safety, and Video Surveillance Systems. For more information, visit www.gokepler.com.

CHR Solutions | info@chrsolutions.com | (713) 351-5111
Kepler Group | Gavin Bortles | Gavin@gokepler.com | (323) 314-2610

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