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A Cyber Scary Halloween

Halloween can be frightening for some – spooky decorations, scary costumes, not knowing what's lurking around the corner. What's interesting in the business world is that Halloween and cybersecurity have several simalarities.

The black hats of cyber crime are the criminals who break into computer systems and networks with malicious intent, such as to steal passwords, intellectual property, bank account credentials, and more. As time and technology evolve, so does the way hackers trick you into clicking that link.

One of those scares lurking around the corner is ransomware, which blocks access to your computer and/or network and demands a sum of money to be paid to unlock it and return access to your data. Phishing uses email trickery to fool you into clicking to a website or downloading an attachment with the end result of obtaining confidential information. Hackers mask their identity to appear like they are someone they are not. 

So in the spirit of Halloween (and the last day of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month), make sure your company's network and data isn't the most vulnerable network on the block. Take action and protect your business. Some ways to do that are to use strong passwords and multi-authentication, scheduling regular backups, educating your users, and maybe even calling a Managed Services Provider, like us, to find out how they can help your company.

Don't let the coven of cyber witches cast a spell on your organization. It is wise to be aware of cybersecurity all year long (rather than just October). Visit our cyberattack page where we've gathered some resources to educate you on cybersecurity, including an infographic that shows what happens when you are attacked and a white paper that discusses what you can do to protect yourself.