// Advance Schema Script

Tackling the Challenge of Legacy Systems

The current funding environment has created enormous opportunities for expansion, particularly in the rural broadband industry. When your broadband company is growing fast, whether as part of an organic process or through a series of acquisitions, it’s likely you’ll end up with a variety of legacy systems for handling:

  • Customer management
  • Service activation
  • Trouble ticketing
  • Billing systems
  • Invoicing systems
  • And the list goes on…

 Frequently, these disparate systems don’t play well together, and you need to find an innovative way of efficiently tying all of these pieces together.

Pulling It All Together

To meet this need, Omnia360 was developed, a fully integrated and tailored B/OSS solution, specifically designed to meet the needs of the broadband industry. Available as a fully hosted cloud-based solution or an onsite license subscription, Omnia360 is scalable and flexible with its open architecture platform, thus providing the framework for supplementing an already powerful software suite.

Omnia360 goes well beyond traditional billing platforms by providing a complete CRM, billing, and business solution that empowers communications service providers (CSPs) with a client-centric model for service differentiation and rapid deployment of new services, especially within the Enterprise space.

Your users get a holistic view of your customers. Within a single screen, you can view all billing, AR, orders, service detail, and more. Omnia360 drives operational efficiency and elevates customer experience with tools that simplify case management, streamline operations, enable more effective account management, all while helping to increase revenue.

The Big Picture Snapshot of Your Business

Omnia360 creates a seamless experience, from the moment you enter an opportunity to the moment a sale is made, and onward to the creation and provisioning of orders within the network—everything is seamlessly tracked with the solution to create a clear and easily comprehensible experience.

Want to learn more? Contact us today